凯瑟琳年代mylie McGehee于2014年7月1日成为99499威尼斯信誉的校长. 凯西领导了一项新的战略计划和修订后的校园总体规划,并通过了学校10年的弗吉尼亚独立学校协会(VAIS)重新认证过程. 在她的任期内,学院完成了7500万美元的百年纪念活动,筹集了79美元.9 million for the residential initiative and for endowment. 她监督了一个新的品牌倡议和一个新网站的推出. Major campus projects include the opening of Court Welcome Center, construction of two turf athletic fields, renovations to four dormitories, and new faculty housing. 凯茜一直致力于更新学校的技术基础设施, including expanded wifi throughout most of campus, as well as to open The Innovation Lab, a maker space designed by and for our students. The Academic Concentration program, launched during 凯西’s time as 校长, allows students to focus their studies in Animal Science, 全球研究, 阀杆, 与艺术.
凯茜是全国女子学校理事会联盟的成员, 弗吉尼亚独立学校协会董事会的秘书是谁, and serves on the VAIS Accreditation Committee. 除了, 凯西曾担任VAIS首脑会议规划委员会主席、大华盛顿成员服务委员会独立学校协会主席和VAIS战略愿景委员会主席. For the past four years, 凯西 has facilitated Headways for Heads of Schools, 全国女子学校联盟在线对话和网络系列,讨论学校社区和学生安全等及时话题. She has been a frequent presenter at independent school conferences, including The Association of Boarding Schools, NCGS, 和要, and has lectured at the University of Richmond. 2014年5月, 在里士满大学的毕业典礼上,她获得了吉布家族杰出校友奖.
A native Virginian, 凯西 spent the previous 19 years at St. Catherine’s School in Richmond, VA, where she served as the Director of the Upper School from 2006-14. 以前, she was chair of the St. 凯瑟琳的英语系(K-12),并在高中教英语. 凯西 also taught English in Eden Prairie, 学校, 和伯恩斯维尔, MN, and at Fluvanna County High School in Palmyra, VA.
凯西持有Vanderbilt University的英语学士学位, where she also earned teacher's certification from Peabody College. 她在威廉玛丽学院获得英语硕士学位,在里士满大学获得教育领导和政策研究硕士学位. She is married to Dr. Read McGehee III, an ophthalmologist, and has two daughters. 伊丽莎, a Vanderbilt graduate, who earned a master’s in history at James Madison University, teaches history at the Steward School in Richmond. 简毕业于戴维森学院,获得英语学位,在纽约市的出版行业工作.