来自校友及其父母的礼物, 现在的父母, 爷爷奶奶, 教师, 和 friends allow Foxcroft to offer a dynamic 和 holistic educational program.
Exceptional levels of support strengthen every aspect of boarding school life. 一个尖端的科学项目和设施, 优秀奖学金和按需奖学金, 新的和更新的软件, 硬件和网络功能, 和 exp和ed community service opportunities are just a few of the visible outcomes of thoughtful gifts to Foxcroft.
捐赠人的信息不以电子方式传输, 因此, it is important that you advise your broker to include your name on a transfer note 和 notify 劳拉 酒, 先进服务总监, 给你的礼物打个电话.687.4517或电邮至 gifts@kaisleybed.net. This will help ensure our ability to promptly identify 和 acknowledge your gift when it is received.
Did you know that many companies will match charitable donations made by their employees? If your employer has a matching gift program you can potentially double the impact of your gift! 点击 在这里 欲了解更多信息,或只需在下面输入您的公司名称.
Young women learn best when challenged by an interdisciplinary 和 experiential curriculum. 这就是为什么, 在维吉尼亚一所经济实惠的女子寄宿学校, 你会威尼斯彩票游戏女生在校园里驾驶无人机, 在Schoolhouse开发应用程序, 在鹅溪岸边写诗, 并利用我们目前的建筑项目来学习工程学. 威尼斯彩票游戏圈子, previously the Annual Fund, makes these experiences possible.
拥抱夏洛99499威尼斯信誉小姐的座右铭:“与时俱进。," the Campus Master Plan for Foxcroft addresses present 和 future needs with underst和ing, 升值, 并致力于校园的99499威尼斯信誉色:乡村, 开放, 固体, 而质朴.
Gifts to Foxcroft’s endowment are an important part of the School’s financial foundation. Each endowment gift is invested 和 the earnings are used to support all aspects of the School, 包括项目, 教师, 和学生.
Planned gifts take various forms 和 provide for the future needs of the School. 永远的99499威尼斯信誉 was established in 1999 by the Board of Trustees to recognize individuals who have included Foxcroft in their estate plans.
星期五, 4月19日, 威尼斯彩票游戏为新的火星蒸汽翼举行了奠基仪式, 是理大“共建未来”运动四个阶段的第二阶段. The groundbreaking took place during the 开放ing reception for 团聚 Weekend when close to 150 alumnae, 教师, 工作人员, 受托人, 朋友们就聚集在科学馆外面.
The Tuesday following Thanksgiving has become a worldwide celebration of generosity 和 the momentum behind giving back. 随着我们进入假日季节, 我们希望你能记住威尼斯彩票游戏,周二抽出几分钟时间, 11月30日至 给威尼斯彩票游戏圈子送份礼物. This vital fund supports 7% of our annual operating costs 和 every aspect of the School from textbooks to lightbulbs. 你的礼物每天都影响着每一个学生.
Did you know that the third week of October has been designated as National Estate Planning Awareness Week? 2008年根据众议院第1499号决议成立, National Estate Planning Awareness Week was created for the purpose of educating everyone about the importance 和 benefits of estate planning.
这个假期, we want to thank you for all that you do to impact the daily lives of each 和 every Foxcroft student. 因为你, our School continues to unlock our students’ potential 和 exp和 their opportunities for the future!
多亏了你, 威尼斯彩票游戏的伟大女人, we met the 1914 Challenge with 109 donors giving in honor of our Founding Day, “获胜基金”是我们的多元化基金, 股本 & 包含基金, which supports programming 和 educational opportunities for our students 和 community — unlocking a total of $3,828美元! In addition, the trivia winners from our kick-off event chose to designate their $500 to Buildings & Grounds which they felt would help alleviate some of the costs incurred through COVID-19 mitigation measures this year.
马里恩 Couzens joined the Foxcroft community in January of 1997, to work on the school’s $30 million 通往卓越之路 运动. 在威尼斯彩票游戏之前, 马里恩 worked in the political arena as a government affairs representative for the steel industry. She has also worked for a private on-line legislative service 和 a marketing/public relations firm.
A graduate of Miss Porter’s School in Farmington, CT, 马里恩 received her BA from Colgate University. 她和丈夫、女儿、儿子住在米德尔堡. 她喜欢骑马、滑雪、旅游和与家人共度时光. One of the "perks" of her job is the opportunity she has to meet the many wonderful people who are connected to this school.
海莉 门罗 joined the administrative team as 机构发展总监 in 2023. 自2014年以来, 海莉在筹款的各个方面都有工作, 首先是在布雷克斯维尔的Inbloom咨询公司做顾问, OH, 她在那里与30多个地区和国家非营利组织合作, 然后在北里奇维尔的湖岭学院, OH, 她是那里的发展主管. 她曾担任一家非营利组织的临时发展总监, 她负责可行性研究和资本活动, 以及指导年度捐赠和巨额捐赠的努力. 她的技能包括前景研究和开发, 礼物请求, 捐赠者关系和管理, 以及项目和事件管理. 作为Lake Ridge Academy的发展总监. 门罗筹集了4美元.两年内达到100万, 领导了一项耗资1400万美元的全面学生健康和保健运动, 修改年度捐赠计划以增加收入, 写资助, 每年负责三次大型筹款活动, 包括一个正装晚宴和打高尔夫球.
Ms. 门罗 earned a Bachelor of Business Administration in business management from Kent State University 和 a certificate in Event 和 Meeting Management Fundamentals from Event 领导 Institute. 除了热衷于为非营利组织筹款外,她还热衷于慈善事业. 门罗是创始人, 首席执行官, 在一家舞蹈工作室担任艺术总监近十年, 磨练她在运营管理、社交媒体和营销方面的技能, 更别提她对舞蹈的热爱了! 在她的业余时间, 海莉喜欢跑马拉松,喜欢和她的布鲁·希勒在一起, 小袋鼠, 她的橙色猫叫鲍泽.
劳拉·博斯在北弗吉尼亚出生和长大. She earned her Bachelors of Science in Decision Sciences 和 Management Information Systems from George Mason University. 在从事平面设计工作后,劳拉于2005年来到威尼斯彩票游戏. She has held a number of positions in the erstwhile Development Office — now known as the 机构发展办公室 — 和 is currently the 先进服务总监.
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北弗吉尼亚的一所女子寄宿走读学校, Foxcroft prepares young women in grades 9-12 for success in college 和 in life. 我们优秀的学术课程提供具有挑战性的课程, 包括大学先修课程和创新的阀杆项目. 我们的马术节目是全国公认的, 我们的运动队赢得了会议和州冠军. 体验最好的女子寄宿学校:参观威尼斯彩票游戏.